I am sooo not a morning person.
And this morning was an early morning.
The alarm was set for 5:50am because Jared had a hockey tournament this morning.
And OF COURSE we were the first team on the ice for the day.
You know....
..... it was a Murphy's Law thing.
It's Christmas Holidays! You get to sleep in rise before the crack of dawn and sweep off your car after a fresh early morning snowfall and crank the heater on high so you can see out the windows and keep your fingers and toes from freezing while you drive forty minutes to an arena where the temperature INSIDE the building is colder than OUTSIDE!
That is EXACTLY what I like to do on the holidays.
Well, in all honesty, I DO like to go to the boys' hockey games. I don't like the cold. I don't like the early morning hours.
But I DO like to watch my boys tackle that little tiny round black piece of hard rubber that floats around the freshly "zambonied" ice.
Unfortunately at five o'clock we came home to a very cold house, as Jon, Jake, Blake, & Anelyse were not here. But instead of lighting the woodstove, Jared and I snuck in a couple of Beatles' songs on the Rockband. I am the drummer; Jarey is the guitar player. Jake and Jon arrived home soon after, so Jake took the drums while I sang a couple of songs. Ironically, I achieved 100% even though my voice cracked through the whole song. Singing with a cold is hilarious! I'm definitely not a candidate for Canadian Idol. But I will say I'm a pretty darn good drummer on that Rockband! Jon says I'm like a big kid. (Is that a surprise to anyone? I think not.)
Tonight is our first night in many to just sit tight at home and relax. Chestnuts won't be roasting on an open fire, but the cedar wood does sound cozy and smell pretty nice in the woodstove as we cozy up on the couch.
Jack Frost won't be nippin' at our nose because plans are to just stay inside tonight. The snow is coming down in waves.... one minute it's clear, the next it's almost a white out.
The storms these days aren't anything like they were when I was a kid. Now I'm sounding like my parents (when they walked to school.... up hill.... both ways.... barefoot..... in the snow.......) hahaha
Folks, we have been so blessed by so many of you over the last number of months. Many of you cannot even begin to understand all the circumstances we've encountered over the last few years, let alone the last few months; however, your compassion and love has touched us unbelievably. I believe God sees what people do TO others and also what they do FOR others. For those who have blessed us in so many different ways, I pray that God blesses you beyond belief for 2010.
I have so many stories to share about the ways we have been touched by others.... one recent blessing in particular, that happened last week, just blew me away. We were blessed by some gentlemen that you would never in a million years expect a blessing from. But we DID receive that blessing. And I am so thankful to the Lord that there are kind people in this world. Sorry I can't get into all the details about it right now, but one day soon I will be able to blog about the many different ways so many of you have touched us, including those gentleman mentioned above.
Now before I get a teary-eyed blog post, I must move things along. Supper is cooked and I want to spend some time with Jon, Jake, & Jared tonight. (Blake and Anelyse are babysitting "Jacky" and "Abby-Babby" tonight).
Hope you're all tucked into your cozy warm homes tonight..... and I hope the sugarplums are still dancing in your heads.
And God bless us, every one.